
class HierarchySerializer<T : Any>(subTypes: Map<String, Class<out T>>, typeKey: String = TYPE_KEY) : TypeSerializer<T>

A serializer which will delegate (de)serialization to a serializer for a subtype of T based on a string property in a node.

Instances can be constructed either using the default constructor (passing in a map directly) or using a simple DSL model to define subtypes (Model). If unspecified, the default key of the type node is TYPE_KEY.

This serializer must be added through TypeSerializerCollection.Builder.registerExact instead of register!

Callers must provide a map of strings to subtypes with which nodes will be deserialized:

interface Base
class Foo(val a: Int) : Base
class Bar(val b: String) : Base

HierarchySerializer<Base>( // `<Base>` can be excluded
"foo" to Foo::class.java,
"bar" to Bar::class.java,
// or
HierarchySerializer<Base> {
// use `_` to omit the `Base` type parameter
subType<_, Foo>("foo")
subType<_, Bar>("bar")

Assuming a structure like:

data class Root(
val items: ArrayList<Base>,

With the typeKey as TYPE_KEY, a possible serialized form would be:

"items": [
"type": "foo",
"a": 3
"type": "bar",
"b": "hello"


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constructor(typeKey: String = TYPE_KEY, block: HierarchySerializer.Model<T>.() -> Unit)
constructor(subTypes: Map<String, Class<out T>>, typeKey: String = TYPE_KEY)


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interface Model<T : Any>


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open override fun deserialize(type: Type, node: ConfigurationNode): T
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open fun emptyValue(specificType: Type, options: ConfigurationOptions): @Nullable T?
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open override fun serialize(type: Type, obj: T?, node: ConfigurationNode)