
abstract class RattleCommand<C : Audience>(rattle: RattleHook, messages: MessageProxy<RattleMessages>, manager: CommandManager<C>) : AlexandriaCommand<C>


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constructor(rattle: RattleHook, messages: MessageProxy<RattleMessages>, manager: CommandManager<C>)


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val manager: CommandManager<C>
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val root: Command.Builder<C>


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fun Command.Builder<C>.axHandler(block: (CommandContext<C>) -> Unit): Command.Builder<C>
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fun Command.Builder<C>.axPermission(permission: String): Command.Builder<C>
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fun error(text: Message): Nothing
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fun <T : Any> MessageProxy<T>.forAudience(sender: Audience): T
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fun mustBePlayer(sender: C): Nothing
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fun Message.sendTo(audience: Audience)