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An explanation of the concepts and design of the project.

Here is a brief overview of the terminology and concepts used in the project - if you need more detailed explanations on the various concepts, see the code documentation.

Physics engine

Rattle is simply a frontend, or wrapper, around an existing physics engine - this engine is called the "backend". The current backend and technologies used are:

  • rattle-api - the frontend exposed to developers for communicating with a physics engine
  • Rapier - a physics engine written in Rust
  • rapier-ffi/rapier-ffi - C bindings for the Rust engine
  • rapier-ffi/rapier-java - Java bindings for the C bindings
  • rattle-rapier - the implementation of rattle-api for the Rapier engine
  • The platform implementations of Rattle, e.g. rattle-paper

Since the backend is not written in Java, it is referred to as a "native library" - as in, it is managed by the native operating system, not the JVM (Java).

The engine's job is to create and manage resources that are required by the native libraries, such as physics spaces and rigid bodies.


A geometry is a raw, user-created version of a shape with volume in the world. Some examples of geometries are spheres or boxes. Geometries do not store any info on where they are in the world; they only store local data. By itself, a geometry cannot be used for physics simulations, however can be baked into a shape.


A shape is a baked (converted) form of a geometry which can be used for physics. You can not get a geometry back from a shape. These also do not store info on where they are in the world, and may be somewhat expensive to compute (e.g. if doing a more complex operation like making a convex hull or convex decomposition). So it is best to cache these and reuse them as much as possible.

Physics space

All physics simulation happens inside of a physics space. There can be multiple physics spaces active at once, but they cannot share any physics state like rigid bodies (data is OK though, like shapes).


A collider is an object owned by a physics space which has a shape and position in the world, and allows other colliders to be affected by it - this means it can push them away via forces and impulses, the typical classical mechanics effects. However, a collider cannot move by itself - it has no concept of a velocity (linear or angular). Instead, this is done by rigid bodies.

Rigid body

A rigid body is an object that simulates Newtonian dynamics such as velocity, forces, and impulses. Although a collider may apply forces to other objects, a rigid body is the object that actually uses those forces to be pushed away, spun, etc. Zero or more colliders may be attached to a rigid body, in which case the collider effectively follows the body as it moves. Rigid bodies may be:

  • fixed - the body does not move by itself
  • dynamic - the physics engine simulates forces and dynamics for themselves
  • kinematic - the user defines what position the body moves to, and the engine calculates the velocities for that

A rigid body may also have continuous collision detection enabled (CCD) to make collision detection more precise when the body is moving quickly (due to tunneling). At a glance, this does a continuous sweep to test for collisions between a body's old and current position, and if so, moves it back to that first hit.


A joint is a constraint that can be applied by a user to a physics space, which ensures that two rigid bodies keep some sort of positional relationship to each other - it ensures that the constraint is "solved". For example, a door may be modelled by a joint which locks the translation of a body (not allowing it to move), but keeps a single "hinge" axis free for rotation (allowing it to swing, but only on one axis). Limits could further be applied to these axis to allow it to only swing a certain amount.

Impulse joints

An impulse joint applies impulses to try to solve its constraint. This means that they are fast to compute, and they are flexible, allowing loops in the graph of all joints in the space. However, they do not resolve constraints perfectly - there is often error in the position. This is fine for most applications, but not all.

Multibody joints

A multibody joint works in reduced coordinates, forming a tree of multibodies in the physics space which resolve their positions all at once. This means that they work slower, however are guaranteed to perfectly resolve constraints (as long as the constraints themselves are valid).

World physics

When working with a server environment, each world loaded in the game will have up to one physics space assigned to it. This handles all physics for this world, and can be manipulated using commands and through the API.

Developer note: this is one of the most crucial parts of the API, however there are some safety guarantees you must uphold when working with one! See the corresponding classes in the code for more documentation.

Terrain strategy

To allow blocks in the world to be collidable, we use a terrain strategy. The current terrain strategy is a "dynamic terrain" implementation, which creates collision on-the-fly as bodies enter or exit chunks in the world.

Entity strategy

To allow entities in the world to be collidable, we use an entity strategy. The default implementation simply assigns a rigid body to entities, and moves the body around as the entity also moves.