An independent object storing simulation data for a set of physics structures. This takes ownership of objects like RigidBody and Collider instances, and allows manipulating and querying the internal structures. An instance can be created through PhysicsEngine.createSpace.
Provides access to the Collider instances in this space.
Provides access to the ImpulseJoint instances in this space.
The lock used for checking thread-safe access (see PhysicsEngine).
Provides access to the MultibodyJoint instances in this space.
Runs when a collision between two Colliders is either started or stopped. Runs only when ColliderEvent.COLLISION is marked on at least one of the colliders.
Provides access to performing queries on this physics space, such as raycasts.
Provides access to the RigidBody instances in this space.
Settings for the simulation of the physics space. Note that not all options will be configurable here, as some are considered implementation details. In this case, the settings need to be configured with the actual implementation.