
abstract class WorldPhysics(val physics: PhysicsSpace, val terrain: TerrainCollision?, val entities: EntityCollision?, val simpleBodies: SimpleBodies) : Destroyable


WorldPhysics as an object stores a lot of state that must be safely accessed by callers. This is implemented not on WorldPhysics itself, but by wrapping classes and methods that return a WorldPhysics object (by e.g. returning a Synchronized of WorldPhysics, requiring callers to lock the object before use).

physics is responsible for maintaining the state of physics objects, and as such must be synchronized against when performing updates. In this way, multiple threads can work on all physics states of all worlds at once, while making sure the space accesses do not lead to data races.

However, the objects that are used whilst processing a space (such as a rigid body that you want to add to a space) are not synchronized by default, therefore the caller is responsible for what threads these objects are accessed by. If the object was just created, then it's fine to do no syncing (since our thread fully owns all references to the data). Otherwise, make sure to consider what your object is doing.

The strategy fields, terrain and entities, are mostly, as far as the public API is concerned, read-only. However, they do still contain methods (enable, disable) which mutate their internal state, therefore they must still be locked by some mechanism. We wouldn't want a terrain strategy to stop working in the middle of processing a physics step. Therefore, its locking is controlled by the WorldPhysics' container (Sync and the like).


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constructor(physics: PhysicsSpace, terrain: TerrainCollision?, entities: EntityCollision?, simpleBodies: SimpleBodies)


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data class Stats(val colliders: Int = 0, val rigidBodies: Int = 0, val activeRigidBodies: Int = 0)


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operator fun component1(): PhysicsSpace
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open override fun destroy()
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